Caring is the
of Nursing
- Dr. Jean Watson
Stanford Nursing Overview
Our nurses are more than the backbone of our organization.
They are bold leaders, compassionate healers, educators, and mentors, providing everyday care to our patients and creating long-term impressions that continue to set us apart.
SHC's Magnet Journey
SHC received its first Magnet designation in 2007 and has continued the journey. In 2021, SHC received a 4th Magnet designation and is once again on the road to a 5th ANCC Magnet redesignation for 2025.
Magnet recognition demonstrates excellence in nursing and an imbedded commitment to high-quality healthcare. With each designation, the bar for excellence is raised, so it is with great pride that SHC received its 4th designation. Several integral concepts shared by Magnet organizations include:
Shared decision-making
Autonomous nursing practice
Interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration
Evidence-based practice
Culture of safety and quality
Ethical nursing practice
Enhanced professional growth and development
In 1983 the American Academy of Nursing Task Force on Nursing Practice in Hospitals completed a study to determine which hospital characteristics retained well-qualified nurses. From this study, the "14 Forces of Magnetism" were established, which is still the Magnet framework that is used today. In 2008 the 14 Forces of Magnetism were re-aligned into 5 key components:
Transformational Leadership
Structural Empowerment
Exemplary Professional Practice
New Knowledge, Innovations, & Improvements
Empirical Outcomes
Currently, Magnet hospitals enjoy numerous
benefits such as:
Increased RN retention
Lower nurse burnout
Decreased RN turnover rates
Increased RN satisfaction
Increased patient satisfaction
Decreased mortality rates
Decreased Pressure ulcers
Decreased falls
Patient safety and improved quality
Read more about the benefits of being Magnet-designated here.
Structural Alignment
The SHC Nursing Strategic Plan enables the organization to set a focused vision for a brighter future. This plan is developed by cross functional teams from across the healthcare system and serves as a foundation for monitoring progress and tracking impact. Organizational alignment is embedded throughout SHC's structures and processes as all initiatives are aligned under the umbrellas of the Operational Plan, Strategic Plan, and the Nursing Professional Practice Model (PPM).
Professional Practice Model
Stanford's Professional Practice Model (PPM) was designed by SHC nurses for SHC nurses. In 2010, 60 nurses from across the organization created this dynamic and inspiring model, which is now the foundation for all nursing care. With the whole person representing SHC's patients, their families, and our nurses at the very nucleus of all, this person is lovingly supported by healing hands, based on Jean Watson's Theory of Caring Science. Further driven by SHC's unifying mission "To Care, To Educate, To Discover," the elements of professional nursing support SHC's global influence and include:
Collaborative Environment
Education and Research
Care Delivery and Clinical Practice
Professional Role
Professional Development
Shared Leadership
All of SHC's nursing care is supported by the core values of SHC's Nursing HEART (Honesty, Excellence, Advocacy, Respect, Teamwork), and are the core values embraced by Stanford Healthcare nurses.
Caring Science
Beginning in 2007, Stanford Health Care embraced Jean Watson’s “Caring Science” theory. This transformative theory-guided practice of human caring and love has been influential in the promotion of nursing excellence and professional leadership. This intertwining of “Caring Science” with nursing practice translates into increased intentionality and a deepening of authentic presence. Through this renewal of relationships transformative healing can occur.
In 2019, Stanford Health Care's Chief Nursing Executive (CNE), Dale Beatty, as a leader of exemplary professional practice, embarked on a transformational journey and became a Caritas Coach. Since then, he has sponsored many RNs to be developed into Caritas Coaches, Caritas Nurses, and Caritas Partners. Each of these individuals remain committed to the integration of Watson's Caring Science Theory into SHC's professional practice.
Click here to read more about SHC's Caring Science integration.